Sustainability. Simplified.
Pulsora helps companies efficiently manage their ESG performance and drive sustainable outcomes. Our platform eliminates the administrative burden of data management, measurement, and reporting, providing actionable insights that empower enterprises to make a positive impact on the planet and its people.
Our company
Sustainability and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards are continuously evolving, reflecting the pressing global need for impactful and sustainable business practices.
But shifting regulations and diverse stakeholder requirements make it increasingly hard to navigate the complexities of ESG compliance and make informed decisions.
That’s why we’re here.
Every day, hundreds of purpose-driven businesses around the world use Pulsora’s comprehensive platform to seamlessly track, analyze, and improve their ESG footprints, ensuring not just regulatory compliance but also a meaningful positive impact on the planet and its people.
Founding year
Funding raised
Companies on platform
Our leadership team